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Forum Groups Explained


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The forum uses a number of groups to assist with security and what people can and cannot do:

The current list of Groups (in ascending order of access)

  • Guest - no login required, has very restricted access to what they can and cannot do/see
  • Member - the default group - can use most of the forum but not the parts intended for WSF Members
  • WSF Associate - WSF associate members and people we konw well - can see most of the fourm with some limitations on WSF members only stuff
  • WSF Member - Members of WSF - has pretty much full access to all areas of the forum
  • WSF High Council - Members of WSF High Council - has pretty much full access to all areas of the forum
  • Moderators - people who have some limited admin rights in addition to their normal group membership
  • Administrators - people with administrative rights on the forum (technical stuff) in addition to their normal group rights
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