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  2. if this is oversubscribed i will see what other dates i can get
  3. if there will be more than one person in your party then say so in this area
  4. An opportunity to visit behind the scenes at the Royal Armouries in Leeds cost is £30 per person (payable in advance) and the behind the scenes stuff is 2 hours of looking at and handling finds from the edged weapons and armour stores led by one of the curators. we are then free to just look around the public areas. please indicate if you are interested by rsvping. if more than one person will be in your group then let me know in the event discussion. please read the attached file before committing Visitor Access Guidance_01.pdf
  5. group trip to go see the napoleon film at chesire oaks. optional meal beforehand at TGIs exact time tbc depending upon published showing times
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