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So welcome to WSFs very own forum. 

Tthere are many features here including a discussion area, gallery, file downloads and clubs... I will set up a zoom call to run through the basic features etc once we have enough people signed up.

However the burning question which I just know will keep you awake at night is "wtf are clubs?"

Well think of them as mini forums that could span multiple topic areas (for example the 2ecclesiastical one" or stuff set up which is temporary - show/event organising etc. if any of our guests want one for their own group then its suitable for that too. If there are any clubs you can think of go ahead and submit one. if its not a dumb idea i will set it up and away you go. you get to moderate what’s in it and who and all sorts of shizzle. 

that’s all for now but have fun, play about a bit and if things go to shit click om support and I will have a good laugh at what you have done before (hopefully) fixing it,


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