Registration Terms
Acceptable Use Policy
1. This Acceptable Use Policy ("Policy") outlines unacceptable uses of the WSFService (“Service.”) Wirralh Skip Felagr. (“WSF”) may make reasonable modifications to this Policy from time to time by posting a new version of this document. Such revisions are effective immediately upon posting.
2. WSF customer (“Customer”) agrees to use the Service in accordance with all applicable local, state and international laws, and this Policy which shall specifically include, as determined by WSF in its reasonable judgment, NOT using the Service to:
o Conduct any business or activity or solicit the performance of any activity that is prohibited by law, tortuous, or interferes with the use of WSF’ system by other customers.
o Disseminate or transmit unsolicited messages, chain letters or unsolicited commercial email including unintended sending of unsolicited commercial email due to unauthorized access to Customer’s use of Service, whether or not the recipient wishes to receive such mailings;
o Access, send, receive, display, disclose, or store any content in violation of any copyright, right of publicity, patent, trademark, service mark, trade name, trade secret or other intellectual property right or in violation of any applicable agreement, or without authorization;
o Create a false identity or to otherwise attempt to mislead any person as to the identity, source or origin of any communication;
o Export, re-export or permit downloading of any message or content in violation of any export or import law, regulation or restriction of the United States and its agencies or authorities, or without all required approvals, licenses and/or exemptions;
o Interfere, disrupt or attempt to gain unauthorized access to any computer system, server, network or account for which Customer does not have authorization to access or at a level exceeding Customer’s authorization;
o Disseminate or transmit any virus, worms, trojan horse or other malicious, harmful or disabling data, work, code or program;
o Engage in any other activity deemed by WSF to be in conflict with the spirit or intent of the Agreement or any WSF policy as examples listed in this Policy are not exhaustive.
3. Failure to comply with this Policy in WSF's reasonable judgment may result in the immediate termination of Service, responding to law enforcement requests, or any other action deemed necessary by WSF in order to protect its network, customer relationships, and commitment to the highest possible quality of service. WSF will cooperate with law enforcement in cases where the Service are being used for any suspected illegal activity.
4. Violations of this Policy are unethical and may be deemed criminal offenses. Customer shall report to WSF any information Customer may have concerning instances in which this Policy has been or is being violated. WSF may at any time initiate an investigation of any use of the Service for compliance with this Policy and Customer agrees to cooperate.
5. Attempts to exploit other devices or services on and off of WSF’ hosted service without the permission or implied permission of that party are not permitted. Violations of system or network security may result in criminal and civil liability. WSF will cooperate with law enforcement if a criminal violation is suspected. WSF will limit any traffic from the offending device or network immediately.
6. This agreement is not assignable or transferable without the express written consent of Invision Power Services, Inc.
7. WSF reserves the right to terminate this agreement and Service at any time. In the event of a policy violation, in WSF' sole discretion, Customer shall not be eligible for a refund.
8. Customer specifically agrees to indemnify and hold harmless WSF from any claim resulting from a breach of these terms, and/or the use of the Service which damages another.
9. This agreement shall be governed by the Laws of the United Kingdom.
10. Backup & Retention Policy
WSF takes entire infrastructure backup snapshots for the purpose of catastrophic disaster recovery on an hourly basis. Account level snapshots are taken daily, weekly and monthly. Various factors, including the timing of the request for restoration, will determine which category of snapshot will be used in the event of a restoration. In certain cases, your data will be restored from a weekly snapshot versus the previous day's archive.
Right to Data
You may request an export of your data at any time; a fee may be imposed for generating an account archive and the account must be active and not in a suspended state.